Divya Rose R
Oracle India Pvt Ltd
The Mask
They say the face of the world has changed
But I do not see much difference
They say it is suffocating
Good that I am used to it for years
They say everyone seems alike
Isn’t it a good thing?
They say so many things
Now, it’s time for me to say
When I covered my face
They called me a terrorist
Now the world doesn’t have a choice
They don’t even notice me
I can walk freely in public
Without the fear of my religious beliefs
They are only concerned whether I am sick
I feel happy with the change that has come
I don’t know how long this will last
They will mock me once the shield is gone
They will uncover their sharpest weapon
To rip me apart and tear me down
Until then I am free to be myself
But the taste of freedom will not last long
For when the darkness unveils itself
My mask will be questioned again