Aiswarya Chandrasekharan
Allianz Technologies
The Imprisonment Cry..
What is this jail bar
Prisoning me ?
Move ,the heart said
Think, the head said
But wait , the world said.
Was I born for this ?
The question seems to haunt me
Every time.. Everywhere..
Even my sleeps keeps me asking
And Sometimes yes,
I am dumb to answer them
Or even pretend as deaf to escape
Bitterly cold in my ways
I think upon where are these leading to ?
Or is it just the querrness of my mind
Where in my life has I really ended to
And why is my life still
In love with imprisonment of no change
But being a loyal slave everytime ??
Why is this jail bar not breaking ?
Oh lord, what are you up to..
I just don't understand you and the destiny
Do you enjoy playing with me ??
Or are you upto free me for better
For the bail of my life's good deeds
I had left and for those still in action....
When will this bars break..??