Prithika Mol M P
Neoito Technologies
The silent ceiling
I heard someone mumble, “Charity begins at home”
My mind gave a subtle mock chanting- Charity begins at HOME
December 24 6:30 PM
Dizzy lights-dull cracked walls-cob webs in unseen corners-introverted indoor.
Momma was sick
She had a BP spike with severe pulsation.
She was literally rolling on the floor in palpitation.
He questioned, “Is there any need to go to hospital?”
Get her some water- I have to go to church.
He left.
Treading towards church….
Hey! Cracker, come to church and get the new dress and rice, hope your treatment is going well.
Call me if you need any help.
Everyone at church praised him,”Such a generous and kind man”
Christmas eve went with prayers, wishes, cakes and fireworks.
He came home at 12.
Mom waited to serve him.
Perfect silence aced the air as USUAL.
He dined and slept.
Her routine indoors resumed forever!