Vishal Dattatraya Jadhav
Tryzens India
Unending Unsureness
As the sun dives into the horizon
Splashing pink on to the sky
Splashing ink on to the paper
I sit back clueless
I lie back to see the pink fade into a blue mess
As the light fade into a memory of it
As the time made more and more of it
Where is that I fit
Will this night be lit at least
Why I for me is so significant
Knowing it’s going to end up in grit
Do I have the grit
I ask me on repeat
My feelers want to conquer and defeat
Everything that hurt my beat
Why my feelings are in this discreet fleet
I am just a distress with feet
These feeling such a trick, where is the treat?
This fire is flickering
Not letting the darkness win
But darkness, it finds a way to slide in
This fire is fighting
Is that the right thing
A light from the burning
The white of the ashing.
I meant to resolve these conflicts
I went to dissolve this love deficit
And it’s the night when it hit
These thoughts too many
And I have gone too tiny to fit.
Hiding it under wit
Playing it cool, I sit and I control
That’s how I roll
This unending unsureness.