Prathidhwani’s Srishti 2016, the one and only Literary and Art festival meant for Technopark employees, has entered into its second phase.
All the short listed entries in the 6 categories of Literary competition have been published in Prathidhwani web site.
This year 2016, Srishti faces huge response from techies, total 247 entries and please find below the status of entries in each category,
Short-Story Malayalam - 62
Short-Story English - 33
Poem Malayalam - 54
Poem English - 34
Article Malayalam - 9
Article English - 12
Cartoon - 12
Pencil Drawing - 31
Category wise index can be seen by visiting the below URL,
And on clicking each category, entries can be seen.
On the right corner of the entry page, there is a link for voting and readers can read the entry and start voting for the Reader's choice.
Voting started today, 2 November 2016 and will stop by 13th November 2016.
This year, rules for Reader's choice will be changing and the rules can be seen in the Index page itself.