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Srishti-2022   >>  Poem - English   >>  Bleeding water

Srthi S.Thampi

Animations Media

Bleeding water

I have a dream....

I have a dream to sleep comfortably under a roof

Hugging my mom tightly.

I have a dream to see my dad’s smiling face,

I have  a dream to paint my colouring book

With my favourite blue crayons.

I have a dream to hold my teddy,

I have a dream to be in my classroom ,

I have a dream to have an identity,

I have a dream to have my belly full of food,

I have a dream to have my smile back.

Our days and nights were taken

And our future became shadowy.

We are imprisoned suddenly!

Our sleeps were haunted and

Our smiles were taken away.

Our freedom was stolen and made

Our world less clear.

Our loved ones vanished and

Became tearful memories.

We lost our country,

We lost our dignity!

Now we are wandering for a safe place

To rebuild our lost future.

Here we are waiting for everything

We wait  for the next step!

When we reach the next step

We have to wait again!

We wait at the borders to cross,

We plead for food and medicines,

We wait for the hope.


You can call me in different names

Alan Kurdi,Ahammed,Saina………..

But we have only one name ...Refugees!

Now I am stepping into a boat

Actually I am scared of water

But I hope that water is safer than land.