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Srishti-2022   >>  Short Story - English   >>  The 4th Epic

Rajesh M Jose

ThinkPalm Technologies

The 4th Epic

Epic 1: Crime

On the way to office, by the left side of the road, in front of the district Jail he saw the young woman flanked by a policeman and a policewoman.   He looked again through the side window of his car. She was sort of beautiful with an impassive face and the police was taking her form jail to law court to be produced in front of a judge.
Driving past, he looked again through the rear-view mirror and saw the real criminals behind the woman.
A father who didn't care
A husband who didn't love
No woman of the world can be a criminal, by her own demerits.

Epic 2: Humiliation

The night was grim and silent inside the surgical ICU. Sandra was on the third shift, giving a pain killer shot to the accident victim. The young man got his spine shattered during one of those adventurous trips and was unlikely to walk for the rest of his life.
She put aside the disposable syringe and smiled at him. "How are you feeling?"
He didn't answer her question. But scanned her face and said.
"You have silky hair"
She froze for a second and then burned the rule book and said:
"Touch it...if you feel like...."
Tears sprang to his eyes and rolled down...
He hadn't handled much sympathy, in his past life.

Epic 3: Death

Prof. Jeevan completed the 4th period accountancy class for commerce students on time after perfectly balancing a Profit and Loss sheet having complicated adjustments. He was a university rank holder for PG program.
He walked out of the campus.
As usual took an auto rickshaw to the railway station.
But then, unusually checked in his office bag in the clock room.
He walked along platform number one till the end of the platform and then started walking along the side of the railway track.
Then he stepped inside the track and started walking along the track.
In a deep embrace he took the speeding train coming up against him.
His dead body was fully covered when brought home.
Complicated adjustments remained unapplied on the balance sheet of life.

Epic 4: Resurrection

Mary Magdelene saw the resurrected Jesus in front of the tomb he was buried.
She cried out in awe, "Rabboni" (Which means 'master' in Aramaic).
His feet were shining immaculately like a pair of white pigeons.
He personified forgiveness, love, grace and deep calmness. She wanted to hold on to his feet.
In loving rebuke Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me" (John 20:17)
He was in a hurry. He knew of the three persons waiting for him.
A criminal woman
A humiliated man and
A dead man
....waiting in utter distress and impatience
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Srishti-2022   >>  Poem - Malayalam   >>  അക്ഷരങ്ങളോട് പറയാനുള്ളത്

അക്ഷരങ്ങളോട് പറയാനുള്ളത്









ജീവൻ നേടിയാലോ?





വരിഞ്ഞു മുറുക്കുന്നു



ചൂടുള്ള രാത്രികളിൽ

ഉഷ്ണത്തിനും മീതെ


നിശ്വാസം പോലെ


ഉള്ളിലെ നോവുകൾ

എഴുതിയാ മുറിവുകൾ

മായ്ച്ചിരുന്ന കാലവും






ക്രൂര വിനോദങ്ങളും 

മാറ്റിയ ജീവിതമക്ഷര




മഴ പോലെ

പൂ പോലെ


മേഘങ്ങൾ പോലെ


വാക്കുകൾ അദൃശ്യമായി



നിശ്ചേഷ്ടമാം കുടീരമായി



കൂട്ടിലടച്ച കിളികളായി


അഴികളിൽ ക്രൂരമായി

തലതല്ലി മരിക്കുന്നു,പുനർജനിക്കുന്നു





മൂളലുകൾ  തീർത്ത

സംഭാഷണ ശകലങ്ങളിൽ








അടുത്ത ചലനം കാതോർത്തു


















നിന്റെയാ പഴയ




കുറച്ചു സ്വപ്നങ്ങൾ





ആര് പിരിഞ്ഞാലും

പിരിയാത്ത ശ്വാസമായി

Srishti-2022   >>  Short Story - English   >>  THE INSPIRATIONAL POST


I woke up late in the morning. I was running late by 30 minutes. I skipped the breakfast to save time and got ready in a couple of minutes, only to find that I missed my cab.


I had to spend around 200 rupees on auto. During month-ends, INR 200 counts! I could have eaten my lunch and dinner with that amount of money.


I had to report for a meeting at 9:00 and it was already 15 minutes late. Thinking of others waiting for me made me cringe. I was literally begging to the auto driver to drive fast and he doesn't seem impressed with my yells.


I reached the office just before the meeting. I searched my purse to pay the auto driver and found that my wallet was missing. I became red, wordless, in shame. Luckily my colleague chipped in and I was saved.


I could not concentrate in the meeting. Graphs flipped, numbers discussed, nothing went on the mind. My heart was pondering. My ATM cards, debit cards, identification cards and even the money left to survive for the next week were on the wallet.


Lunch with the clients also didn’t go well as my mind was already on the wallet. I felt betrayed, the day is getting worse.


After the long day at the office, I thought to take a walk home to refresh my mind and distract my thoughts.


Out of nowhere, it started raining. I tried running and then gave up. I was totally drenched and had no money in hand. A stranger helped me by offering me a lift and finally reached home.


I changed my dress, logged in to the online banking portals, and blocked my cards. Then searched for the government websites to apply for the duplicate identification cards.


It was still raining cats and dogs. I made a good cup of coffee, sipped it slowly. I felt good.


I wrote a short note of gratitude in my diary. To my colleague who paid my auto charge, the manager who bore with my careless meeting, the client who took me to the lunch and finally to the stranger who gave me the lift home.


It felt so good to offer gratitude. I felt good. A book half read was waiting for me beside the bed table. The warm blanket, the book, the coffee…

Now I am posting this on my Facebook, just to remind everyone. Life is good, even if the day is bad, life is still good.



After typing the inspirational post, Amit felt good.


He started getting notifications about the post. Comments poured in for the post. He felt incredibly happy and satisfied. He felt like a king. After all, this was his only way of expressing his dreams. Dream of getting a job, the dream of having a busy life, the dream of having people around.


Anyways, Inspirational stories doesn’t need to be completely true! He smiled to himself and dozed off to sleep.


He has exams tomorrow. At least this time, 4 years after completing the engineering, he have to pass and get the degree certificate!

Srishti-2022   >>  Poem - Malayalam   >>  വാക്കുകൾ


കവിമനസ്സിൽ  വാക്കുകൾ

ഉന്മാദരായി പൊഴിയുകയായി.


ജന്മാന്തരങ്ങളിൽ കേട്ട് പഠിച്ചവ,

സ്മൃതിഭ്രംശം വന്നു വഴി മാറിപോയവ,


മുറിവേറ്റ നൊമ്പര ലിപികൾ ,

പ്രണയ വചസ്സുകൾ,

ദുഖഗീതങ്ങൾ ,ഗൂഢ വചസ്സുകൾ .



കൊഞ്ചലുകൾ ,നാട്ടുചൊല്ലുകൾ

പിന്നെയുമായിരം നാമധേയങ്ങൾ...


ചിതറിയ  കുമിളകണക്കെ

വാക് പ്രവാഹം ചിന്തകളിൽ



എങ്കിലുമാ കവിഹൃദയം


മാതൃ ഹൃദയത്തിലും

തളക്കപ്പെട്ട പെണ്ണിലും

കണ്ണ് നട്ടിരുന്നു.


കൈയ്യിലെ തൂലിക,

പറയാത്ത വാക്കുകളോടൊപ്പം

അടുത്ത കവിതയിലേക്കു യാത്രയായ്

Srishti-2022   >>  Poem - English   >>  Saga of a poem

Saga of a poem

Flowing through her veins,

Crimson rusty blood,

Raging with thought of

Dwindling time ahead


Rendering saga of fate,

Her mind spelt silence,

Seeking calm, composed serene


Her blood exuded

With leftover fantasy

Of writing all the lines

Before they fade away


Flowing through her veins,

Crimson rusty blood,

Raging with thought of

Dwindling time ahead


Words lingering on air,

Slipping through the thoughts,

Hope of a fluke

Fades with drowsing mind


The lines to write

Flickers in the mind,

Holding the pen

Still in a quandary


Words begin to shower

Like a ray, a light.

Fate stepped a while

Made way for the ode


Her time now longer,

The world more divine,

Words dripping around,

Like a rain, a storm.


Flowing through her veins,

Crimson rusty blood,

Filled with the liberty

Of words penned down.

Srishti-2022   >>  Poem - English   >>  An eternal King

Sumimol Varghese

ThinkPalm Technologies

An eternal King


When Eden was closed,

And man was punished,

There appeared a vacuum in him

A huge one, a dark one

Deep inside his heart

Of a shape

A shape which he always failed to define

            He tried to fill it

            With his will and wishes

Land and lives

Heights and hearts

            And yet he failed miserably

The vacuum was large enough

Enough for a child to be born,

An adult to dwell,

And a man to die

            And some day he thought

            Maybe it could be filled

Filled by a powerful man

Sometimes a king

There was a hope,

Hope for a king

A king on the fastest horse

In his finest cloths

With the sharpest sword

Men hoped and waited

So did his children

Kings came, emperor’s came

Still the vacuum was there

On a starry night,

In a manger, the king was born

Born as a child

They saw the child

But never knew

For the Child was too ordinary

The Child was too simple

The Child was not even a prince

            Yet he grew up

            Once a man He went after the lives lost instead of lands

He went for the hearts broken not for the heights of the world

He went to meet the prince of death for He was the Life

He never had a sword but had a winnow

He cleared his threshing floor

Gathered His wheat to the granary and

Burned the chaff in unquenchable fire

Yet they never knew who He was

For He was too great to be a king

In fact the greatest of all kings

The only king who came sword less on an Ass

An eternal king from an eternal kingdom

Srishti-2022   >>  Poem - English   >>  The Night

Roshni Vidyadharan

ThinkPalm Technologies

The Night

The voice of the wind chimes startled her at the stormy night

The scary ghost stories of childhood multiplied her plight

The rational thoughts of intelligent mind seemed to vanish

Thunder and Lightning seemed like a garnish

Hiding under the blanket she was five again

The logical thoughts gone in vain

The fear of the haunted mind clouded her thoughts

The terrified mind tied her soul in knots

She waited for the storm to seize

And wished for the dawn to bring her peace

Tired eyes seemed to be drooping

As she drifted into sleep weeping

Srishti-2022   >>  Short Story - Malayalam   >>  ഇണയില്ലാത്ത മീനുകൾ

ഇണയില്ലാത്ത മീനുകൾ

അക്വേറിയത്തിലെ തണുപ്പുള്ള വെള്ളത്തിൽ മീൻ നീന്തിക്കൊണ്ടിരുന്നുകുമിളകൾക്കൊപ്പം അവന്റെ വലിയ നീലവാലും ചെകിളകളും താളത്തോടെനീങ്ങി.


അവനെ കാണാൻ ദൂരങ്ങളിൽ നിന്ന് വന്ന മനുഷ്യർ,അവരുടെ ആശ്ചര്യം നിറഞ്ഞകണ്ണുകൾ!അവൻ എല്ലാ ദൂരങ്ങളിലും നീന്തി .താഴെ നിറച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന ലവണങ്ങളില്ലാത്ത കളിമണ്ണ്മുതൽ ,അക്വേറിയത്തിനു വെളിച്ചം നൽകുന്ന മങ്ങിയ വെള്ള വെട്ടം വരെ.

ചില്ലു കൂട്,നേരാനേരം ഭക്ഷണം.ആഴങ്ങളുടെ കറുപ്പില്ലാത്ത ജീവിതം.

ഇടയിലുറക്കത്തിലവൻ കടൽ സ്വപ്നം കണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നുഅമ്മയെ,കൂടെ നീന്തിയവരെ,വേട്ടക്കാരനെ എല്ലാം ഒരു മിന്നായം പോലെ .യുഗങ്ങൾ കടന്നു പോയിരിക്കുന്നു.കടലിന്റെഉപ്പുരസവും വള്ളത്തിന്റെ ചുഴിനീക്കങ്ങളും അവന്റെ ഓർമയിൽ തികട്ടി വന്നു.


അവൻ അസ്വസ്ഥനായി,നീന്തലിന്റെ വേഗം കൂടി,ഇടയ്ക്കിടെ ചില്ലു പാത്രത്തിൽ തലയും വാലും ഇടിച്ചു.തീറ്റയായിട്ട കുഞ്ഞുമീനുകൾ ചുറ്റുമോടിക്കളിക്കാൻ തുടങ്ങി.അവനെകാണാൻ വന്ന കുഞ്ഞുങ്ങളുടെ  മുഖത്തെ വിസ്മയമറിയാതെ നീലമൽസ്യം തളർന്നുപിന്നെന്നെന്നേക്കുമായുറങ്ങി.


മ്യൂസിയം മാനേജർ ദേഷ്യപ്പെടുന്ന ശബ്ദംകേട്ട് ഓടിക്കൂടിയവരിൽ ആനന്ദുമുണ്ടായിരുന്നു.ലക്ഷങ്ങൾ കൊടുത്തു വാങ്ങിയ മൽസ്യം ഒരാഴ്ചക്കകം ചത്തിരുന്നുആരാണത്തിനെനോക്കിയത്മീനിന് അവസാനമായി തീറ്റ കൊടുത്തതാരാണ്?നൂറു ചോദ്യങ്ങൾ,കൂട്ടത്തോടെ ആരൊക്കെയോ നൽകുന്ന അവ്യക്തങ്ങളായ ഉത്തരങ്ങൾ.

ആനന്ദ് ഒരടി പിന്നിലേക്ക് നടന്നു.അവൻ ജോലിക്കു വന്ന അതേ ദിവസമാണാ മീനിനെയും കൊണ്ടുവന്നത്.ഇന്ന് രാവിലെ അവൻ ഒരു സ്വപ്നം കണ്ടു.കരയിലൊരു  നീലവാലുള്ള പെൺമത്സ്യം ചത്തടിഞ്ഞെന്ന്

പെട്ടെന്നൊരു ഭയം ഉള്ളിലാളി.മറന്നതെന്തൊക്കെയോ കണ്മുന്നിൽ തെളിഞ്ഞു വന്നു.തിരികെ വരുമെന്നൊരു വാക്ക്,കൊടുക്കാൻ ബാക്കി വച്ച സ്നേഹംഅങ്ങനെ പലതും.
കടം വാങ്ങി നേടിയ  ജോലി ഉപേക്ഷിക്കാൻ പശ്ചാത്താപം തോന്നിയില്ലനാട്ടിലെത്തിയാൽകൂട്ടിനവളുണ്ട്അരപ്പട്ടിണിയെങ്കിലും കഴിഞ്ഞുകൂടാനൊരു തൊഴിലുണ്ട്.വീട് വിറ്റുകടങ്ങൾ തീർക്കാം

തീരുമാനങ്ങൾ നിമിഷങ്ങൾക്കുള്ളിലെടുത്തു ആനന്ദ് തിരിച്ചിരുന്നുഇനിയൊരു മീൻ ചാകുന്നതിനു മുന്നേ,തുലാമഴ തകർത്തു പെയ്യുന്ന നാട്ടിലെ ചോരുന്ന വീട്ടിലേക്ക് .

അന്ന് പെയ്ത മഴയ്ക്ക് പതിവില്ലാത്ത താളമുണ്ടായിരുന്നു.അടുക്കളയിൽ തിളച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരുന്ന കാപ്പിക്ക് പതിവില്ലാത്ത സുഗന്ധവും. വീടിന്റെ മുറ്റത്തു തളം കെട്ടിക്കിടന്ന വെള്ളത്തിൽ, ഒരുപാട് പരല്മീനുകൾ തെന്നി കളിച്ചിരുന്നു.

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