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Srishti-2022   >>  Poem - English   >>  The Angst of a Tree

Ashwin Abraham

Allianz Technology

The Angst of a Tree

The walls crumble all around as day turns to darkness,

A sense of despair and grief overwhelm my core. 

As I close my eyes, my thoughts flash back to my birth. 

The cries and the laughs of my coming into this Earth echo all around.


Times when I laughed and cried cling onto my every laboured breath.

As I fight to kick out the demons within and outside.

The paths I was forced down to come to this moment.

Every fabric of my being and soul being ripped to shreds.


What did I do to you world to deserve this fate of mine?

Didn’t I love you and cherish you like a sweet honeydew flower,

Caress you and nourish you like a spring fountain in the desert.

Always there by your side, like a mother antelope guarding her fawn.


Alas, there is no more time left to reflect and ponder.

Go I must into the eternal and ever-consuming blackness creeping on me.

Let it be known that I will have my sweet revenge.

In this life or the next, revenge against you for plundering and looting me.