Supriya Gandhi joined TCS Technopark just one month back as trainee. She was shocked by the depth of heavy flood in different districts. She got attracted by the flood relief activities done by Prathidhwani @Technopark. She decided to contribute her complete first salary through money and materials and donate at the Prathidhwani flood relief centre at Technopark Club. Prathidhwani Vice president Magi Y V who was one of the main coordinators of relief activities received the contributions. Supriya has also decided to involve in the cleaning activities to be held by Prathidhwani.
Miss.Supriya Gandhi is a representation of how non Keralites are also contributing to the Kerala flood relief and rebuild activities. Supriya, Prathidhwani on behalf of IT Employees and entire Kerala express our sincere gratitide to you from depth of our heart for your contributions.