To wipe out the monotony of the lockdown season, Prathidhwani is once again coming up with a new platform. An online musical extravaganza where techies and their family members can participate sitting at home.
All you need to do is create a musical video of your own and send it to us. All eligible entries will be streamed through Prathidhwani official Facebook page and also through our other social media platforms.
The Entries can be any of the below as a video:
Karaoke songs
Instrumental music
Band / Group Songs
Vocal performances
Do follow the below conditions to pass your video through an expert panelist
1, Entries should be film songs, album songs or famous folk songs in Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil or English.
2, Videos recorded in the past will also be accepted
3, Videos should possess decent quality that is fit to be streamed as online video
4, Multiple entries are entertained, however webcasting will be based on prioritization by the panel
5, Participants should share their names, company and relationship with the family member involved, while sharing their entries
6, No audio entries are entertained
Send your entries & any other questions to;
Sree jith – 99626 19560
Anju Gopinath - 96338 34212