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Srishti-2022   >>  Short Story - Malayalam   >>  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ്



പുറത്തു നല്ല മഴയുണ്ട് . വാതിൽ തുറന്ന് അയാൾ കുറെ നേരം മുറ്റത്ത് ചെളി നിറയുന്നത് നോക്കി നിന്നു . പിന്നെ പതിയെ മുണ്ട് മടക്കി പടിയിലേക്കിരുന്നു. കാൽ ചെളിയിൽ തൊടാതെ ഉയർത്തി വച്ച് മുട്ടിനിടയിൽ മുഖം പൂഴ്ത്തി കുന്തിച്ചിരുന്നു . ആകാശത്തുനിന്നും പുറപ്പെട്ടു വരുന്ന മഴത്തുള്ളികൾ ഭൂമിയിലെ ചെളിയോട് സംഗമിച്ചു് അവരിലൊരാളായിമാറി അവരോടൊപ്പം ഒഴുകി പോകുന്നു. ഭാഗ്യം തുണയ്ക്കാത്ത മഴത്തുള്ളികൾ . കടലിലോ കായലിലോ പുഴയിലോ നദിയിലോ വീഴാൻ യോഗമില്ല . ഈ വീട്ടുമുറ്റത്തെ ചെളിയിൽ വീഴാനാണ് യോഗം. ചെളി തെറിച്ചു കാലിലേക്ക് വീഴുന്നുണ്ട്. അയാൾ കാൽ ഒന്നുകൂടി ശരീരത്തിലേക്ക് അടുപ്പിച്ചു . മഴ നേർത്തു വരുന്നു . ഇപ്പോൾ വീഴുന്നത് നിർഭാഗ്യരിൽ നിർഭാഗ്യരായ മഴത്തുള്ളികളാണ്. സ്ഥൂല ശരീരവുമായി വേച്ചു വേച്ചു അവ ചെളിയിൽ മുങ്ങി. മഴ നിന്നു. ചെളിവെള്ളം നിശ്ചലമായി കിടന്നു . അയാൾ നിവർന്നിരുന്നു .


'ആ ചെളിയെല്ലാം ചവുട്ടി ഇങ്ങു കേറ്റിയേക്കരുത്. എനിക്ക് വയ്യ തൊടക്കാൻ.' 

ഭാര്യ കട്ടനുമായി  വന്നതാണ് .


അയാൾ ചന്തിനിരക്കി പുറകിലേക്ക് നീങ്ങിയിരുന്നു .


'ഇത്തിരി ടൈൽസ് വാങ്ങി മുറ്റത്തിടാൻ എത്ര നാളായി പറയുന്നു. ഇതിപ്പോ മഴ പെയ്താൽ അടുക്കള മുഴുവൻ ചെളിയാണ്.'


കട്ടനും വടയും പടിയിൽ വച്ചുകൊണ്ടു അവർ പറഞ്ഞു. വരാന്തയിലെ ചോരുന്ന ഓടിനു താഴെ വച്ചിരുന്ന പാത്രം അല്പം കൂടെ മുന്നോട്ടു നീക്കി വച്ച് അവർ അകത്തേക്കുപോയി. ഒരു വർഷമായി ജോലിക്കു പോകാത്ത ഗൃഹനാഥൻ, അന്ന് മുതൽ അരിയും സാധനങ്ങളും പറ്റുപറഞ്ഞു വാങ്ങുന്ന ഭാര്യ, എങ്കിലും അങ്കലാപ്പ്  മുറ്റത്തു  ടൈൽസ് ഇല്ലാത്തതിനെച്ചൊല്ലി. സ്ഥിരം മണ്ടൻ ചിരിയോടെ അയാൾ ഒരു ദീർഘനിശ്വാസം പുറപ്പെടുവിച്ചു.


വടയെടുത്തു ഒരു ചെറിയ കഷ്ണം മുറിച്ചു അയാൾ മുറ്റത്തെ ചെളിയില്ലാത്ത ഭാഗത്തേക്കെറിഞ്ഞു. ഒരു കാക്ക പറന്നു വന്ന് വിശ്വാസമില്ലാത്തമട്ടിൽ അയാളെ തലചരിച്ചു നോക്കി. അയാളും തലചരിച്ചു നോക്കി. ആ കഷ്ണം കൊത്തിയെടുത്തു് കാക്ക പറന്നുപോയി. അല്പസമയത്തിനകം വാർത്തയറിഞ്ഞമട്ടിൽ രണ്ടു മൂന്നു കാക്കകൾ കൂടെയെത്തി. അയാൾ ഒരുകഷ്ണം വടകൂടെ എറിഞ്ഞുകൊടുത്തു. അതു താഴെവീഴുന്നതിനുമുമ്പുതന്നെ കൂട്ടത്തിൽ സമർത്ഥൻ കൊത്തിയെടുത്തു പറന്നു. അവൻ്റെ പുറകെ ബഹളം വച്ചുകൊണ്ടു ബാക്കിയുള്ളവ വട  തട്ടിയെടുക്കാൻ പാഞ്ഞു. കൂടുതൽ കാക്കകൾ മുറ്റത്തേക്ക് വന്നു . അപ്പോഴേക്കും അയാൾ കാഴ്ചകൾ കണ്ടു വട മുഴുവനും കഴിച്ചു കട്ടനിലേക്കു  കടന്നിരുന്നു. കാക്കകളുടെ ബഹളം ഉച്ചത്തിലായി. അയാൾ പെട്ടന്ന് എഴുന്നേറ്റു അകത്തേക്ക് കയറി .


വരാന്തയിലെ ജനാലയിലൂടെ പുറത്തേക്ക് നോക്കി നിന്നു . പ്രതീക്ഷവറ്റി കാക്കകൾ പിൻവാങ്ങിയപ്പോൾ അയാൾ ഷർട്ടും എടുത്തിട്ട് പുറത്തേക്കിറങ്ങി. ഭാര്യ വരാന്തയിലെ നിറഞ്ഞ പാത്രത്തിലെ വെള്ളംകളഞ്ഞു അവിടം തുടക്കുകയായിരുന്നു. ചെരുപ്പിട്ട് അയാൾ മുറ്റത്തിറങ്ങിയയുടൻ അവർ വാതിലടച്ചു് അകത്തേയ്ക്കു പോയി. ജോലിക്കൊന്നും അല്ലല്ലോ , കവലയിലേക്കല്ലേ. അതിനു ഇത്രേം പ്രതികരണം മതി. മുറ്റത്തുനിന്ന് കുറച്ചുനേരം അയാൾ നനഞ്ഞു വിറച്ചുനിൽക്കുന്ന മരങ്ങളുടെ മുകളിലേക്ക് നോക്കി . ചില്ലയിലിരുന്ന കുറച്ചു കാക്കകൾ അയാളെ തുറിച്ചു നോക്കുന്നുണ്ടായിരുന്നു.


കവലയിലെത്തിയപ്പോൾത്തന്നെ  അരക്കാൽ മൊയ്തു പ്രത്യേകമായ ആവേശത്തോടെ അയാളെ കൈവീശിക്കാണിച്ചു. കവലയിൽ ലോട്ടറി വില്പനയാണ് മൊയ്തുവിൻ്റെ തൊഴിൽ. അറയ്ക്കൽ കുടുംബത്തിലെ കണ്ണിയാണ് താനെന്നു ഉറച്ചു വിശ്വസിച്ചിരുന്ന മൊയ്തു അവസരം കിട്ടുമ്പോഴൊക്കെ അതു  സ്ഥാപിക്കാൻ ശ്രമിച്ചും പോന്നു. പ്രമേഹരോഗത്തിൻ്റെ മൂർദ്ധന്യത്തിൽ വലതുകാൽ മുട്ടിനു താഴെവച്ചു മുറിക്കപ്പെട്ട അറയ്ക്കൽ മൊയ്തു പിന്നീട് അരക്കാൽ മൊയ്തുവായി മാറി. കാലു പോയതോടെ അറയ്ക്കൽ മാഹത്മ്യവും നിന്നു. ചിത്രകാരനാകേണ്ട താൻ ഈ ബ്രഷല്ല പിടിക്കേണ്ടതെന്ന് ആദ്യം ചൂണ്ടിക്കാട്ടിയത് മൊയ്തുവായിരുന്നു. പെയിന്റ്‌ പണി  നിറുത്തി സർഗാത്മക കഴിവുകൾ ചിതലരിക്കാതെ നോക്കാൻ ഉപദേശിച്ച മൊയ്തു . ആദ്യം നാടുകാണാൻ ഇറങ്ങിയ സായിപ്പിനും മദാമ്മക്കും തെയ്യവും തൃശ്ശൂർപ്പൂരവും നെറ്റിപ്പട്ടംകെട്ടിയ ആനയും ഒക്കെ സർവ്വസമ്പാദ്യങ്ങളും ചാലിച്ച നിറങ്ങളിൽ മുക്കി വരച്ചുകൊടുത്തു. ഒടുവിൽ സർഗാത്മകത ഉണരാൻ സമ്മതിക്കാതെ വിശപ്പ് പിടിമുറുക്കിയപ്പോൾ ഭാര്യ സമയോചിതമായി ബ്രഷ് എടുത്തു തോട്ടിലെറിഞ്ഞു. തന്നെയും തൻ്റെ കലയേയും അപമാനിച്ച ഭാര്യയോടുള്ള പ്രതികാരമെന്നോണം അയാൾ അന്നുമുതൽ പണിക്കുപോകാതെയായി. അപ്പോഴും മൊയ്തു മാത്രം കൈവിട്ടില്ല . നല്ലകാലം വരുമെന്ന് ഉറപ്പു നൽകി അയാൾ എല്ലാ ആഴ്ചയും ഒരു ലോട്ടറി തന്നു. അമ്മായിയച്ഛൻ കുഞ്ഞിന് പാലുവാങ്ങാൻ കൊടുക്കുന്ന കാശെടുത്തു അയാൾ മൊയ്തുവിനു കൊടുത്തുപോന്നു.


അടുത്തെത്തിയപ്പോൾ മൊയ്തു വർദ്ധിച്ച ആവേശത്തോടും നീരസത്തോടെയും പറഞ്ഞു , 'ഒരു ഫോൺ വാങ്ങിക്കൂടെ സുധാകരാ തനിക്ക്. ഈ മഴ മാറിയിട്ട് ആരെയെങ്കിലും അങ്ങോട്ട് വിടാനിരിക്കുവായിരുന്നു ഞാൻ .'


'എന്താ മൊയ്തു, എന്താ പറ്റ്യേ'


'തനിക്ക് ലോട്ടറിയടിച്ചെടോ!! ഓണം ബമ്പർ രണ്ടാം സമ്മാനം, അമ്പത് ലക്ഷം രൂപ'. ഒറ്റശ്വാസത്തിൽ പറഞ്ഞിട്ട് മൊയ്‌തു ചിരിയുടെയും ആവേശത്തിന്റെയും ഇടയിൽപെട്ട ഭാവത്തോടെ അയാളുടെ മുഖത്തുതന്നെ നോക്കി നിന്നു . അയാൾ അനങ്ങിയില്ല. ശ്വാസം എടുക്കുകയോ ഇമ വെട്ടുകയോ ചെയ്തില്ല. അനങ്ങിയാൽ ഈ സ്വപ്നത്തിൽ നിന്നുണർന്നാലോ. മൊയ്തു അയാളെ പിടിച്ചൊന്നു കുലുക്കി .


'ഞാൻ പറഞ്ഞില്ലെടോ തനിക്ക് നല്ല കാലം വരുമെന്ന്. പിന്നെ കമ്മീഷൻ മാത്രം തന്ന് എന്നെ ഒതുക്കരുത്. താൻ പോയി ആ ടിക്കറ്റിങ് എടുത്തോണ്ട് വാ. പെട്ടെന്ന്‌ '


അപ്പോഴേക്കും സംഭവമറിഞ്ഞു അയാൾക്കുചുറ്റും ആളുകൾ കൂടിത്തുടങ്ങി . ചിലർ ഫോട്ടോ എടുക്കാൻ തുടങ്ങിയപ്പോൾ അയാൾ ധൃതിയിൽ തിരികെ നടന്നു .


ഗേറ്റ് കടന്ന് അയാൾ മുറ്റത്തെത്തി മരത്തിലേക്ക് നോക്കി . കാക്കകൾ പോയിരിക്കുന്നു . പടിയിൽ ചെരുപ്പൂരിയിട്ട് അയാൾ വാതിലിൽ മുട്ടി. വാതിൽതുറന്ന് മുഖത്തുനോക്കാതെ അകത്തേക്ക് പോകുന്ന ഭാര്യയോട് അയാൾ വിളിച്ചു പറഞ്ഞു.

'ഓണം ബമ്പർ അടിച്ചു . അമ്പതുലക്ഷം രൂപ'


ഇടിവെട്ടേറ്റതുപോലെ നിൽക്കുന്ന ഭാര്യയുടെ മുഖത്ത് അയാൾ നിർവികാരമായി നോക്കിനിന്നു. സദാ അനിഷ്ടത്തോടെ കൂടിയിരുന്നിരുന്ന പുരികങ്ങൾ അയഞ്ഞു, കണ്ണുകൾ വിടർന്നു, ചുണ്ടിലെ ചിരി രണ്ടു കാതുകളിലും മുട്ടി. ഒൻപതു വർഷമായി കൂടെക്കഴിഞ്ഞ മുഖമായിരുന്നില്ല അത്. പെട്ടെന്നവർ സുന്ദരിയായതുപോലെ അയാൾക്ക്‌ തോന്നി. ബാക്കിയൊക്കെ അയാൾ പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചിരുന്നതുപോലെത്തന്നെ നടന്നു. ശ്രീനിവാസൻ്റെ കഥയിലെ ശ്യാമളയെപ്പോലെ അവർ കോഴിയെ മുട്ടയിടിക്കാനും പാൽച്ചായ ഉണ്ടാക്കാനും മീൻവാങ്ങാനുമൊക്കെ ഓടി നടന്നു . കറിവേപ്പില വാങ്ങാനെന്ന വ്യാജേന അയൽവീടുകളിൽ പോയി വാർത്തയെത്തിച്ചു . അമ്മായിയച്ഛനും അളിയനും കുടുംബവും നിമിഷങ്ങൾക്കുള്ളിൽ എത്തിച്ചേർന്നു . ആള് കൂടിയപ്പോൾ വീടിനകത്തെ വായുസഞ്ചാരം കുറഞ്ഞതുകൊണ്ടു അയാൾ മുറ്റത്തേക്കിറങ്ങിനിന്നു . കൈയിലെന്തെങ്കിലും ഉണ്ടോയെന്ന് എത്തിനോക്കിയിട്ട് ഒരു കാക്ക ഇലകൾക്കിടയിലേക്കു നീങ്ങിയിരുന്നു .


വിവിധതരം നിക്ഷേപങ്ങളുടെ ക്ലാസ്സിനിടയിൽ നാവുകഴച്ചു അളിയൻ വെള്ളം കുടിക്കാനായി അടുക്കളയിലേക്കു പോയി. വീടിനുമുന്നിലെ വഴിയിൽ കാൽപ്പെരുമാറ്റം കൂടുന്നു . ആരൊക്കെയോ അയാളുടെ മുറ്റത്തേയ്ക്ക് കടന്നു . ക്യാമറ കണ്ടിട്ടാകണം ഭാര്യ ഒരു ഷർട്ടുമെടുത്തു ഓടി വന്നു അയാളെ ഇടീച്ചു . പത്രക്കാർ കുറച്ചധികം പേരുണ്ട്. ക്യാമറാമാൻ സതീഷിനൊപ്പമുള്ള ഗിരീഷിനെയും വിവേകിനോപ്പമുള്ള ഗോവിന്ദിനെയും ആരുടെയൊക്കെയോ ഒപ്പമുള്ള ആരെയൊക്കെയോ അയാൾ ടീവീയിൽ  കണ്ടതോർക്കുന്നു. ഫോണും പൊക്കിപ്പിടിച്ചു മറ്റുചിലരും എത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ട് . അവർ ഫോണിനെ നോക്കി എന്തൊക്കെയോ സംസാരിക്കുന്നുണ്ട്. ചില ഫോണുകൾ നീളമുള്ള കമ്പിൽ പട്ടംകണക്കെ കോർത്തു നിർത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു . ആരും പരസ്പരം സംസാരിക്കുന്നില്ല . എല്ലാവരും ഫോണിനെ നോക്കിയാണ് സംസാരിക്കുന്നത് . ചിലർ അകത്തുകയറി ഭാര്യയുടെയും പടം എടുക്കുന്നുണ്ട്. പെട്ടെന്ന് ഒരുങ്ങിയതുകൊണ്ടു കഴുത്തിൽ അധികമിരുന്ന പൗഡർ അമ്മായിയമ്മ സാരിതുമ്പുകൊണ്ട് തുടച്ചു കൊടുത്തു. മൂക്കളയൊലിപ്പിക്കുന്ന കുഞ്ഞിനേയും വെറുതെ വിട്ടില്ല. മറ്റുചിലർ പൊക്കിപിടിച്ച ഫോണുമായി അയാളുടെ അടുത്തുവന്നു പേരും ജോലിയുമൊക്കെ ചോദിച്ചു. ആരും പക്ഷെ മുഖത്തുനോക്കാത്തതെന്തുകൊണ്ടെന്നു അയാൾക്ക് മനസ്സിലായില്ല . അയാൾ മനുഷ്യൻ്റെ മുഖത്ത് നോക്കണോ ഫോണിൻ്റെ മുഖത്ത് നോക്കണോ എന്നറിയാതെ കുഴങ്ങി.


ചെറിയ ക്യാമറക്കാരെ തള്ളിമാറ്റി പത്രക്കാർ മുന്നിലേക്ക് വന്നു .

'മിസ്റ്റർ സുധാകരൻ, താങ്കൾ ഈ പണം എങ്ങനെ ചിലവഴിക്കാനാണ് പോകുന്നത് '


അളിയൻ്റെ ഉപദേശം ഓർത്തുകൊണ്ട് പറഞ്ഞു,

'ഇൻവെസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യാനാണ് ആലോചിക്കുന്നത് '


'മുഴുവൻ പണമോ?'


അങ്ങനെയല്ലേ അളിയൻ പറഞ്ഞത് . അയാളോർത്തു .


'അതെ '


'അപ്പോൾ ഈ പണം താങ്കൾ സമൂഹനന്മക്ക് ഉപയോഗിക്കില്ല എന്നാണോ?'


ക്യാമറാമാൻ സതീഷിനൊപ്പമുള്ള ഗിരീഷ് തലചരിച്ചു് അയാളെ തറപ്പിച്ചുനോക്കി .


'കുറച്ചുതുക വേണേൽ അതിനു ഉപയോഗിക്കാം' അയാൾ സംശയിച്ചുകൊണ്ട് പറഞ്ഞു.


ഉത്തരം തീർന്നയുടൻ കറുത്ത നീണ്ട മൈക്കുമായി ഗിരീഷ് തിരിഞ്ഞു ക്യാമറയോട് പറഞ്ഞു,


'ഇതാണ് ഇന്നത്തെ നമ്മുടെ സമൂഹത്തിൻ്റെ അവസ്ഥ. സഹജീവികൾക്ക് ഉപകാരം ചെയ്യാൻ കണക്കുനോക്കുന്നവർ . വെറുതെ കിട്ടിയ പൈസ പോലും സ്വാർത്ഥതയോടെ കൈക്കലാക്കുന്നവർ. ഒരു നേരത്തെ ആഹാരം ഇല്ലാത്ത, കിടക്കാൻ കിടപ്പാടം ഇല്ലാത്ത, രോഗികൾ നിറഞ്ഞ നമ്മുടെ സമൂഹത്തിൽ നോക്കുകുത്തി പോലെ നിൽക്കുകയാണ് മിസ്റ്റർ സുധാകരൻ. ഇവരാണ് നമ്മുടെ സമൂഹത്തിൻ്റെ ശാപം. നന്മ എന്ന വാക്കുപോലും ഇങ്ങനെയുള്ളവരുടെ നിഘണ്ടുവിലില്ല. ക്യാമറാമാൻ സതീഷിനൊപ്പം ഗിരീഷ് .' സുരേഷ് ഗോപി സിനിമയിലെ ഡയലോഗ് പോലെ തോന്നിച്ച വാക്കുകളുടെ മഴവെള്ളപ്പാച്ചിൽ തീർന്നപ്പോൾ ക്യാമറ അയാളുടെ നേർക്കുതിരിഞ്ഞു. ഒരു വിഡ്‌ഢിച്ചിരിയോടെ അയാൾ ക്യാമറയിലേക്ക് നോക്കിനിന്നു.


ആളുകൾ പോയും വന്നും ഇരുന്നു. വീമ്പുപറച്ചിലിനിടയിൽ ഭാര്യ അയാളെ പാടെ മറന്നുപോയിരുന്നു. ദാഹിച്ചു വലഞ്ഞു പടിയിൽ ഇരിക്കാൻ തുടങ്ങിയപ്പോൾ മൊയ്തു അരക്കാലും തൂക്കി ഗേറ്റ്കടന്നുവന്നു.


'താനെന്തു കുന്തമാണ്‌ പത്രക്കാരോട് പറഞ്ഞത്. ആളുകളാകെ ഇളകിയിരിക്കുവാണ്. പാവങ്ങൾക്ക് ഉപകാരം ചെയ്താൽ നന്മ കിട്ടുമെങ്കിൽ താൻ കുറച്ചു ചിലവാക്കെടോ. ഇത്രേം പൈസയില്ലേ കൈയിൽ.'


എന്താണ് സംഭവിക്കുന്നതെന്ന് മനസ്സിലായി ഉത്തരം പറയുന്നതിനു മുൻപ് തന്നെ പൊക്കിയ ഫോണുകളുമായി പിന്നെയും കുറേപേർ വന്നു. തലചരിച്ചു അവർ ഫോണിനോടായി ക്ഷോഭിച് എന്തൊക്കെയോ പറയുന്നുണ്ട്.

'കണ്ണിൽച്ചോര വേണം ചേട്ടാ. കിട്ടിയതൊന്നും കൊണ്ട് പോകാൻ പറ്റൂല .'


'ചാകുമ്പോ വെള്ളം തരാൻ ആരും കാണില്ല ഇങ്ങനെയുള്ളവന്മാർക്ക്.'


 ഞാനും കൂടെ ഫോണിൽ കാണുന്ന വിധത്തിൽ എല്ലാവരും മുന്നിൽ തന്നെ വന്നുനിൽക്കുന്നുണ്ട്. അവർക്കിടയിലൂടെ ഒരുവിധത്തിൽ മൊയ്തു എന്റെയടുത്തെത്തി എന്നെ വീടിനകത്തേക്ക് കൂട്ടികൊണ്ടുപോയി.


'നമുക്ക് കിട്ടിയ കാശ് നമ്മളെന്തിന് വല്ലവന്മാർക്കും കൊടുക്കണം. ഇവന്മാരൊക്കെ ആരാ ' ഭാര്യ ക്ഷോഭിച്ചു .


'ഇപ്പൊ ഇങ്ങനൊക്കെയാണ് ചേച്ചി. ഫോൺ കൈയിൽ ഉണ്ടെങ്കിൽ എന്തും വിളിച്ചുപറയുന്ന കൊറേയവന്മാർ. സ്വന്തം തന്തേം തള്ളേം നോക്കാത്തവന്മാരാകും ഇവനൊക്കെ . അവന്മാർക്ക് വൈറൽ ആവാനുള്ള തന്ത്രങ്ങൾ '. 

അളിയൻ പുതുലോകത്തിൻ്റെ രീതികൾ പറഞ്ഞുകൊടുത്തു.


സംഭാഷണം നടക്കുന്നതിൻ്റെ ഇടക്കെപ്പോഴോ അയാൾ മുറിയിൽ കയറി കട്ടിലിൽ കിടന്നു. സമൂഹനന്മ, സഹായഹസ്തം, കുറച്ചു പുതിയ ഇടപാടുകൾ പഠിച്ചു. കാക്കകൾ ഉറങ്ങിക്കാണും . അയാൾ കണ്ണുമിഴിച്ചു ഉത്തരത്തിൽ നോക്കിക്കിടന്നു .


വെളിച്ചം വീണുതുടങ്ങിയപ്പോൾ തന്നെ അയാൾ എഴുന്നേറ്റു. കുളിച്ചു് പ്രഭാതകർമങ്ങൾ കഴിഞ്ഞു നനച്ചതും പക്ഷെ തേക്കാത്തതും ആയ ഷർട്ടിട്ടു തയ്യാറായി. അലമാരയിൽ വച്ചിരുന്ന ലോട്ടറി ടിക്കറ്റ് എടുത്തു പോക്കറ്റിലിട്ടു. തോട്ടിൽ എറിഞ്ഞതിൽ വെള്ളത്തിൽ വീഴാതെ തോട്ടിനരികിലെ പുല്ലിൽ കിടന്ന ഒരു ചെറിയ ബ്രഷ് അയാൾ ഭാര്യ കാണാതെ കണ്ണാടിക്കു പിന്നിൽ ഒളുപ്പിച്ചിരുന്നു. അതെടുത്തു പോക്കറ്റിൽ ടിക്കറ്റിനടുത്തായിയിട്ട്  വാതിൽ തുറന്ന് പടിയിൽ വന്നിരുന്നു. അകത്തുനിന്നും അമ്മായിയച്ഛൻ്റെ കൂർക്കംവലി താളത്തിൽ മുഴങ്ങികേൾക്കുന്നുണ്ട്. വെളിച്ചം നല്ലോണം പരന്നു. മുറ്റത്തുനിറയെ ചെളിയിൽ പതിഞ്ഞ കാൽപ്പാടുകൾ, പല വലിപ്പത്തിൽ പല ആകൃതിയിൽ. കാക്കകളുടെ നേരിയ ബഹളം കേട്ടുതുടങ്ങി. ഭാര്യ പാൽചായയുമായിവന്നു.


'ആ ചന്ദനനിറത്തിലുള്ള ഷർട്ട് മതിയാർന്നു. അതാണ് ക്യാമറയിൽ ഭംഗി '


അവർ അടുക്കളയിലേക്കുപോയി .


അയാൾ ചായയെടുത്തു ഇടത്തേകൈയിൽ പിടിച്ചു. പോക്കറ്റിൽ നിന്ന് ടിക്കറ്റെടുത്ത് വലത്തേ കൈയിലും. ടിക്കറ്റ് ചായയിൽ നല്ലോണം കുതിർത്തെടുത്തു. പൊടിഞ്ഞുപോകുന്നതിനു മുൻപ് ചായ താഴെവച്ചു്, ടിക്കറ്റ് കഷ്ണങ്ങളായി മുറിച്ചു. കാക്കകളുടെ ബഹളം കൂടി. അയാൾ അവയെ നോക്കി ചെളിയുടെ മുകളിലേക്ക് ആ കഷ്ണങ്ങൾ എറിഞ്ഞുകൊടുത്തു. നാനാഭാഗത്തുനിന്നും കാക്കകൾ ആർത്തിയോടെ പറന്നെത്തി കഷ്ണങ്ങൾക്കായി കൊത്തുകൂടുന്നത് നോക്കി അയാൾ കുനിഞ്ഞിരുന്നു.

Srishti-2022   >>  Poem - Tamil   >>  Maganey O Maganey (மகனே ஓ மகனே)

Siva Praboth M S

SunTec Business Solutions

Maganey O Maganey (மகனே ஓ மகனே)

மகனே ஓ மகனே !!

என் கண்கள் இருளுதடா, 
இதயம் துடிக்க மறக்குதடா,
நீ இல்ல நிமிடம் கூட, 
வாழ்க்கை வாழ  மறுக்குதடா. 

உன் வழியில் குழி தோண்டி,
நம் வாழ்க்கைப் பள்ளம் ஆனதடா,
அகழ்வாரைத் தாங்கும் நிலம்,
அவர் மகனைத் தாங்காததேனடா ?
காற்றில்லா ஆழ்துளைக்குள்ளே,  
கதிரில்லா சிறு வழிக்குள்ளே, 
இருள் பொறுத்த , வலி பொறுத்த,
பசி பொறுத்து, மூச்சடக்கி உயிர் புடிச்ச;  

உனக்காக வரம் கேட்டேன்,
உயிர்ப் பிச்ச தரக் கேட்டேன்; 
ஆண்டவன் கை விட்டான்,
நாட்டை-ஆண்டவனும் கை  விட்டான். 

பசியெடுத்து வாடையிலே, 
கூறிருட்டு மூடயில,   
நினைவிழந்து  போகையில, 
என பத்தி என்ன நெனச்ச ?

இரண்டகம் செஞ்சவனு வஞ்சினியா? 
நம்பிக்கைத் துரோகினு வஞ்சினியா?
கண்டிப்பா வருவானு நம்புனியா !
அரவணைக்க மாட்டாளானு வெதும்பினியா !  

பால் கொடுத்த மார் எனக்கு,
பாரமாகிப் போனதையா !!
நீ படுத்த அடி வயிறோ, 
அனலாய்  எரிக்குதய்யா !!

புகழ்பெற்று நீ விளங்க, 
மனசார ஆசைப்பட்டேன்; 
ஊரெல்லாம் வாசகமாய், 
உன் மரணச் சேதி பரவுதய்யா. 

அம்மானு என்னை அழைக்க,
ஓடி வந்து அரவணைக்க ,
என் கண்ணின் நீர் துடைக்க,
உறவொன்னு கெடச்சிருமோ !!

எரிதணலில் வெந்தாலும்,
உன் நினைவுகள் அழிஞ்சிருமோ?
நினைவுகளோடு  வாழ்ந்தால், 
நாட்கள் நகர்ந்திடுமோ?
மகனே ஓ மகனே!!

Srishti-2022   >>  Short Story - English   >>  The Quest of the Emerald

Amritha Vijayan

SunTec Business Solutions

The Quest of the Emerald

The waiting room is quiet and cool, but I can feel the tension in the air. I might be imagining it though – a man is straightening his tie with confidence and a woman is going through her dossier – I am the only swooning damsel in the room. The radiation of sophistication seems to strip away what little qualification I had – an engineering degree, unshakeable determination and recklessness.

They never told me when the interviewer would call me, but the waiting is getting unbearable. I decide to listen to music – it is better than chewing my newly painted nails and ruining my level of decorum. My cold fingers numbed by the insensitive air-conditioning fumbles once while searching for my head-phones, and stills as the electronic voice calls my name.

Nirvana interrupted, I stand, straighten my salwar and shawl and take a deep breath.


Extending my spyglass, I survey the valley and the castle looming in the distance, a magnificent structure illuminated by the rays of the rising sun. I count five towers, extending into the clouds. My eyes caught sight of something moving among the towers, slithering around one tower like a snake. I tear my gaze away to look at the ground, at the growing daffodils at my feet and resist the urge to flee, screaming.

In no time at all, I am heading straight for the castle. With every step forward, the wooden gangplank begins to lower itself, creaking as the chains unravel their burden. The plank falls at my feet with a sudden thud that spikes my heartbeat and stops me dead. The gateway is pitch-black, an unknown void.

A man couldn’t do it, they said, so how can a woman? For a moment, I ponder.

The arena is set. The opponent is ready. The question is – am I?


I can feel his contempt and scorn while he is writing something on what is presumably my evaluation sheet. My palms always sweat when I am nervous or scared, but combined with the AC, they had become frozen blocks of ice, and I clench the fabric of my top with both hands to stop shaking with fear or cold or both.

I am still reeling from embarrassment at the Q/A Session. My nervy brain had managed to forget everything about programming for a second, that all I could manage while asked about Java was that it is an island in Indonesia. Really awkward. I did recover enough to answer the rest of the questions with more presence of mind, but my ears are still burning with shame for my fumble, and I can nearly hear the man’s brain tutting in the silence.

Now he carefully pulls a piece of paper from the pile under the paperweight which was shaped like a mini-globe. “Now, write a simple program to....”


I am breathing hard, taking every breath in as if it is my last.

I had lost my most important weapon – the element of surprise. I hide behind an old crumbling column, trying to steady my breathing and lower the volume of my hammering heart. My armour clinks with my every movement and feels abrasive on my back, but I daren’t move.

The column vibrates with the rumble of the dragon’s frustrated roar and I shake involuntarily. I realise it is one thing to proudly volunteer for the Quest which many had failed and another to not follow in the footsteps of those who did fail.

Legend says that hundreds of years ago, the Emerald was placed between the dragon’s nostrils by a mage to protect it. Nobody knows what the Emerald actually does, other than the fact that it is a powerful artefact and recovering it is one of the most important Quests for achieving Knighthood.

Biting down on my terror, I pray one final time - if I ever were to die, I would haunt the mage who put us in this mess for the rest of my paranormal existence.  Then it occurs to me that the ancient hall had become eerily quiet.

Then – scraping of claws across the rough stone - the sound is much too close for comfort – I can feel its hot breath on my exposed neck...


Simple? I would have had better success figuring out the value of pi in reverse!

With a quiet rustle of paper, my interviewer pulls my response paper towards him. I could see his eyes scan the paper line by line and I also see him frown (hopefully with concentration). I had done my best but I had definitely missed certain constraints. I have just enough sense to keep breathing periodically and plaster a pleasant, tension-free expression on my face.

“I am impressed,” The man puts the paper down and clasps his palms. His expression is unreadable. Before I have time to think relief, he says, “But...”

“Yes sir?”

“A semi-colon is missing at the end of line twelve...”


I run the narrow winding of the steep stony staircase, two steps at a time. It’s almost as safe as standing at the edge of the parapet of a tall tower, but nothing else can be done when I can hear the stone steps behind me crumble easily with the dragon’s tail. I could have made more speed, but the dragon’s fire had burnt the side of my right leg. I blink rapidly to clear my watering eyes and I half-cough the smoke of the dragon from my lungs.

It is high time someone got that murderous lizard some mint leaves. Or better, eucalyptus.

I can see light – and now I see the blue sky. I have reached the top of the tower. Like a good escapee, I slam the door shut and press my back against it, trying to make myself as small a target as I could.

But I find there is no time to get back on my feet or revise my strategy. A formidable head comes into my view, throwing shadows on my face, the glittering scales dazzling my eyes. If 'Beauty with Terror' had a body, I am looking right at it. Its breath was on my face that I nearly passed out and its forked tongue flicked out smoothly, tasting the air and my fear.

I can see the Emerald on its blue scaly nose, the green sheen bedazzling me like a crown jewel. Instinctively, I ready my sword to leap. Trying is everything, even though this is going to be the last blow I deliver.

All of a sudden, the dragon rears its neck back like a cobra striking its prey, and I know I am too late - its front paw is coming at me fast like a heavy boulder...


“Wait,” The creases on his forehead deepen as he frowns. “You have mentioned a URL in your resume. Are you a blogger?”

I blink back tears of frustration. A freaking semi-colon. Heartless perfectionist. Now he wants to make small talk after all that?

“Yes,” I struggle to sound light-hearted and sunny. “It’s a hobby, nothing serious,” I add quickly as if to reassure him.

He seems to barely hear me as he boots up his computer while I stare, bewildered. The tiny room seemed to become stuffy all of a sudden. 

This isn’t going as planned at all....


When the dragon spoke, its deep baritone voice made me jump.

“You are female,” the voice vibrates my being like thunder.

I can't speak - I am still debating whether I ought to take my chances and try taking the emerald while I am alive.

The heavy claw scratches against my armour as it roughly pulls the long necklace from my neck, which had slipped from beneath my armour while I was running for my life. The scales rub against my stomach and make my skin crawl with wriggling caterpillars. I shiver under the bright sun and hold my breath.

“This is a pretty necklace,” The large eyes surveys the glittering ornament. “What is it made of?”

The necklace in question is my lucky pendant which kept me alive during my training. Turns out it is doing its job here as well.  “Stones rubbed smooth from the bed of the river,” I say, my voice coming out in a whisper, but the dragon could hear.  “Would you like me to make you one?” I ask. I have nothing to lose after all. 

The dragon stays silent. The moments tick by and I wonder if I am already a pile of ashes but haven't realised yet.

“I would like that,” it says.


“That is an interesting development on AI,” The man scrolls down the screen. “You have done your research well.”

I stammer thanks as graciously as I can, trying not to look dazed as if someone had hit me over the head. I really do feel like it though, partly because of the angle of the interview and partly seeing my blog evaluated and commented in front of me. He was giving feedback that I haven’t received from any reader.

The comments and compliments make me bold enough to say, “I do restaurant reviews as well.”

Coincidentally I see my recent restaurant review when I glance at the screen.

“I haven’t been to Imperial Kitchen yet.” The thoughtfulness in his voice stuns me. “Sounds like a place I ought to try.”

“The ambience is pretty great,” I agree. “The food is quite nice for the prices. Their muffins are a real treat.”

“I love muffins.” The man say in the midst of scrolling down. I nodded, my plastered smile in place. Masked by the table, my hands gripped the folder on my lap, wondering if this is a dream as my interviewer continued to browse through my writing.


“Everyone wants to kill me,” The dragon sniffs, using a tent cloth as a handkerchief. “They don’t wish to listen to me. I don’t even know why!”

I look up from my work to nod my head sympathetically. This had been going on for the past hour as the dragon poured its heart out to me while I asked all the right questions and did all the right gestures and noises. And to think this emotional wreck was trying to kill me a couple of hours ago.

“...absolutely no appreciation for Victorian architecture.” The dragon begins to sob. Large tears pour down its snout.

I get up, with the finished necklace, and walked to the dragon’s claw. “There, there,” I pat its claw with my hand since I had removed my gloves. It is almost like using a fly swatter on a mountain. “Look what I made you.” I put the glittering chain around its nail. “What do you think?”

The tears stop abruptly as the dragon raises its claw to inspect my work. “It’s so pretty!” the dragon gushes, moving its tail too close to the pile of rocks I had it fish for me from the stream that it nearly toppled.

This dragon was far from the blood-thirsty, violent creature as described in our epics. I make a mental note to get the records corrected.

The dragon stops admiring the necklace for a second. “I really need to get you a reward for your efforts.” It says, throwing the necklace around its neck. It lands on the juncture between its shoulders, like a glittery choker.

I shake my head and smile, not trusting my tongue to speak. This is definitely not going according to plan. I actually like this dragon, almost as if we could become good friends. 

We had a large lunch in the courtyard of the castle (“I never have visitors over for lunch!”). I didn’t ask how the food got there as I was thankful for just being alive. The dragon seems to have forgotten how it had wanted to kill me, chattering about glittering stones, chiffon and weaving.

We were watching the sun sink lower into the horizon. Suddenly it asks, “Could you do me a favour please?”

“Sure,” I smile, my heart nearly in my mouth.

“Could you take this stone from my snout? It’s begun to itch for the last ten years!”


“We really need someone like you,” the man had started talking more companionably to me. I smile back in a friendly fashion. “With some training, I am sure you can become at par with our development team. I also feel we can use your outrageous comparisons in our documentation team!”

I laugh along with him, not really sure if he meant it as a compliment or a joke.

He shakes hands with me before I leave. “Cold hands,” he remark when he lets go. “Still nervous?” It seems as though he is wondering why I am behaving as if it is my first interview. But he doesn't know that this is my first successful one. “Please wait outside for a few minutes.”

I only felt relief. Relief that I was finally getting out of that punishing AC.


The dragon lowers its giant head to rest on the ground near me. With both hands, I pry the giant emerald from between its nostrils. It comes off with a gentle click.

“You know what - you can keep it. I never want to see it again. It feels good to have it gone,” it says, the relief evident. "I can see over my nose again! Do you have any idea..." Speechless, I simply stare down at the legendary Emerald, lost for a hundred years and for which hundreds of people had died for.

“You have really great nails.” I finally say, suppressing a shiver looking at the giant claws that would have torn me limb to limb. “Would you like to paint them for you in the pattern of the night?”

The Dragon lets out a loud shriek, almost girly, that stood the hairs on the nape of my neck.

“Best friends forever!” it roars.


I take one final look at the building of Emerald Industries before walking back to my mother's car. The whole thing seems fantastic, especially how a certain item came into my possession after the interview. The number of people who said I couldn't do it....

“ you think you will receive an offer letter from here?” My mother asks as I get in the car and put on the seat belt.

“No Amma,” I try to suppress a smile. 

“What is so funny about that?”

I look at her and smile properly.

“I already have it.”


***THE END***

Srishti-2022   >>  Short Story - English   >>  Face of the Desert

Face of the Desert

12th July,2015

The call at 1’o clock, midnight, woke him up. Startled and confused was Prof.Rathore, as he never expected a call so late. Tired from last day’s busy schedule of long lectures on history, the most acknowledged historian of this time, was reluctant to take the call. However, he attended it. The professor in his late 70’s was no more involved in any serious issues that had the police officials. Yes, he had been one of the most brilliant officers who once closely worked with the police for solving mysterious cases involving archaeology, treasures and decryption. Retired from his official duties, he made himself engaged as a professor and a lecturer. But this call, had urged him to be on his official duty once again.

Waiting at the airport, for the flight made him feel sick. He felt as if the whole world was participating in a slow race. He wanted to reach the British Palace Museum as soon as possible.

………The museum was famous for the antiques it treasured, collected from every nook and corner of the world. It had the most precious and valued treasures of the world including the Kohinoor diamond from India. 

13th July,2015

He was accompanied by the museum officials from the airport to the museum. There he was introduced to Mr.Gilbert , who was currently in charge of the museum security.

"Hello Professor, nice to meet you"- Prof.Rathore was greeted by Gilbert. The entire atmosphere seemed to be mysterious.

He greeted him back-" Hello Gilbert, it would be good if you could explain why I was called so urgently. I was just briefed about the situation".

Then Gilbert explained the situation to him.

……. During a research, conducted by the British research students last month, an unnoticed tribal inscription was revealed from the antiques that had been preserved in the museum from late 20th century. It was an old language and found it very difficult to decode. Finally, experienced historians of Indian origin were successful in relating it with some sort of precious gift that had been hidden somewhere. Prof.Rathore was struck by the word "Indian origin" and understood why "he" had been called. But what made him shocked was yet to be revealed.

"Professor, the situations were under control until the inscription got missing. Now the situations have worsened after this news came out about the treasure trove. This case has instigated a fury among the superior officials as well as the British government. This case has to be solved before the confidentiality of this case is lost. Professor we need your help, as this can affect the unrivalled secrecy and supremacy of the British government."

Prof.Rathore instinctively started his work. He was very cautious about the consequences of this case, and how it could affect the entire government if the treasure trove reaches the wrong hands. The manuscript had been already stolen and that could be decoded by anyone. If this happens, then the treasure may remain as a hidden possession forever.


14th July, 2015

Mr.Gilbert had provided him the photos and all the available source of information related to the manuscript. Meanwhile, Gilbert’s people had started enquiry on the stolen manuscript. It was equally important for them to catch hold of the culprit.

“Professor, we had been studying the period pieces collected from all over the world. It was as part of the documentation of these antiques, we had been studying these in detail. Initially the manuscript seemed to be of no importance. But somehow, we grew interested in it...” One of the students who had been involved in the research was explaining the incidents to Prof.Rathore.

“Where did you find this ?” he asked her.

“Among the antiques collected during the 20th century. It had the most precious relics of all times that had been moved to this museum. Like the Kohinoor...”

He was concluding on the reasons why the officials thought of the Indian connection with this case- the manuscript contained Indian tribal language... was found among the relics collected from India... and of the history where many such valuables had been taken from Indians or the so- called gifts to the British officials during the reign of East India Company by the Indian rulers of that time … The third point being his own contribution.

There were many questions before him- What is this treasure all about? Where is it? Why is it that no trace of such a relic has been discovered till now? And moreover, is the treasure still existing?

He had no answers and was completely clueless as from where to start. Just that, the treasure has some Indian analogy.

15th July,2015

The very next dawn saw him being indulged in studying the museum pieces. He was searching for that one clue that could help him in this dilemma. The time had passed, and he along with the other officials was getting exhausted when something caught his interest.

A piece of relic that was part of the stolen manuscript that contained the lines (if correctly decoded):

“Perished lands extend, with not a bit shade to depend. Gone with the wind, were the memories of great warriors, left to suffer, to keep it safely.”

He noticed something unusual with these lines. He tried to sort all possible ways to solve this. He could not sleep that night. He was so restless and strained. He tried to sleep but took a long time to get a good nap. While in sleep, he dreamt of the last lecturers  that he had delivered to the students. It was all about wars and its impact on the civilization and culture. Suddenly he was awake. 

He always believed in his instincts that always led him throughout his career. He felt that this was also such a play of his instincts.

He recollected the words – Perished lands, warriors, safe... He was trying to connect all these words. Finally, he concluded - this could be about a war fought in the deserts in the past to safeguard something priceless. 

Perished lands and not a bit shade - these words had made him think about deserts, warriors – war and to keep “it” safely – it can point to some object. Thus, he had concluded.

Simultaneously, the officers were engaged and were running after the stolen manuscript. But to their great despair and relief, the manuscript was found abandoned in the premises of the museum itself. Relieved as they found the swag but despairing as they were left with no clue about the larcenist. They were also under the impression that the burglar must have abandoned it to mislead the officials. So, they continued their investigation.

20th July,2015

Prof.Rathore had discussed his perceptions on the case till date. Mr.Gilbert was also convinced on how he had concluded about the concept keeping in mind the history of Indian linkages with the British Government. Both of them stil could not figure out what the hidden treasure was.

It had been a week since Prof.Rathore has been involved in the case. For the past two days, there had been no improvements in the case. He was all the way studying and collecting the information regarding the history of wars fought back in the western parts of India during the 20th century.

It was then Mr.Gilbert called out for an urgent meeting. Professor hopefully looked forward for some crucial information. And it was something crucial and mysterious that Mr.Gilbert had to share.

There on the table laid an envelope. Gilbert passed on the envelope to Prof.Rathore. He read it and was shocked, it said that the treasure they were in search for had been safely hidden and treasured even now and that it was in India itself. It also wished Prof.Rathore all the best wishes and assured that he would be able to find it. This left all the people there stay awestruck. This meant that the person who had taken the manuscript was one among them, as the arrival of the Professor was kept very confidential and was known only among them.

Professor hastily went out of the room and became busy again. He was now hopeful in finding out the hidden. He was obvious that the treasure has been kept intact. Now it was his turn to find out the possible locations which can house such great treasures. He went through all the information he had collected. Suddenly, he was stuck by some idea and very soon he was on his way back to India. He was accompanied by Gilbert and a few other officials.

22nd July, 2015

 At the Delhi airport, he met some representatives from the UK embassy and other Indian police officials. The case details had been already shared with the govt.

“Sir, where are you going now? None of us are aware about your destination. “- said one of the indian official.

 “To the epitome of love- taj mahal.” 

Even Gilbert was unaware about their destination. On their way to Agra, Professor explained as to how he had concluded that the possible destination could be Taj Mahal.

 Taj Mahal was famous for what it stood for, it was really an epitome of love but was also a treasure house. It is believed to contain many treasures from past era. When they read the envelope that assured the existence of the treasure, the first thing professor did was to find out the treasure houses that treasured relics collected after the wars. The most famous among them was the Taj Mahal. He also thought that if the treasure they were in search for had been preserved till time, then it must be safeguarded with utmost care, which was possible only in such a place. All this made sense to Gilbert and was ready to start the so-called treasure hunt.

As soon as they reached Taj Mahal, they got hold of the records of all the wealth it had. They started to filter out the ones they felt as unimportant. They emphasized on those that had been collected from the west as well as on war relics. Sooner or later they finalized on these-  a sword, a crown, a sculpture and a sarpech. These were all priceless relics. They were confused as to which one would be the treasure that was mentioned in the manuscript and why it has such a special mention and why it remained unknown till this time.

They were left in a dilemma and was unable to find the treasure.

24th July, 2015

“I had a great experience working with you sir. I would look forward for such experiences in future.” , said Mr.Gilbert. He was on his way back home after completing all the procedures on closing the case.

“It’s my pleasure Gilbert to assist and help you solve this case and may be many more to come, if my age permits”, Professor replied and laughed. He bid farewell to Gilbert.

The flight took off.

On his journey back, Gilbert thought about yesterday’s events that finally led them to the discovery of the treasure.

As the dusk was falling heavily on the scene on 22nd of July, they had no clue on how to determine the treasure from available relics. 

Meanwhile he had received a call from UK. It was all about the burglar who had stolen the manuscript. Shockingly, the burglar had turned out to be his co-official, Edward. Edward was in charge  for the supervision of research students. He had confessed the crime and had said that he was unaware about the importance of the swag, and that he had by mistake taken it along with some other relics for reference and examination. He was forced to abandon it under the fear of being charged for burglary.  He was still under interrogation and is expected to be relieved only after he proves himself of not guilty. 

Then Professor asked him,” Gilbert, Can you recollect the objects in the relics that were examined? Any object that has some connection with the ones that we have finalized?” Gilbert started to seriously examine the objects, and then he noticed the sword. It had some rare stones inscribed on it. It caught his interest as back in UK, the museum also treasured the rarest and precious stones like Kohinoor. 

He was about to fix the sword as the treasure, when he noticed the sculpture that worn the title as “face of the desert”. He along with Professor started examining it in depth for a long time until Prof.Rathore noticed something peculiar about the sculpture’s eyes. It was both deep and facile. They examined it closer and suddenly Prof.Rathore exclaimed, “The eyes!!!!“ . In the shallow hole of the eyes, there was a stone, a diamond. It seemed so trivial, but when closely examined had the most mysterious glow in it. Immediately Gilbert remembered the famous Kohinoor diamond. All the pieces of the puzzle were getting placed correctly now.

--The manuscript was found along with the relics collected during the same time as the Kohinoor diamond had reached the British palace museum. It was studied only recently and was decrypted under the supervision of expertise. It revealed a secret about a hidden treasure. Prof.rathore was then called to inquest on it. Meanwhile, the manuscript was stolen but later found abandoned in the premises of the museum itself, leaving the officials under suspicion. The rest is known now.

The government officials confiscated the sculpture for further analysis. Thus, the treasure was identified as the sculpture with the beautiful eyes that hid the diamond that was worth as the Kohinoor diamond.

He and Prof.Rathore was appreciated for their wit and intelligence.And now he was on his way back home.

25th July,2015

After the hectic days of work, Prof.Rathore was relaxing when he got a call from UK. The caller said, “Thank You.. You had played well” Professor smiled and replied, “You too Ed”.

Two weeks before on 5th July,2015,

As Prof.Rathore was returning from his college, he received a call from a person who introduced himself as Edward, a British official from UK. He wanted an urgent appointment. They had a meeting on the same day over the phone, which had initiated a set of events that rolled out in a way that changed their entire life for the next two weeks.

“Hello Sir, I am Edward. I need your help. This meeting is very confidential so better be sure to take this in that sense itself………..”

Edward was basically an Indian born – British official. He was in charge of the research students who had found the manuscript. He was so curious about it, that he himself had initially studied and analyzed the same. He understood that the manuscript described about something that had a greater value than what he had assumed initially. Hence, he called Professor for his assistance.

“Professor, if there is such a treasure as described in this, be sure that you will be able to discover it. Because this time, it has to be made sure that, the priceless stays in India as its treasure , rather than letting others take its ownership as happened in the case of Kohinoor“ Edward explained everything to Professor. 

The Professor was so startled hearing all these, but immediately rolled out a plan for it. Thus, Edward had started to work out their plan by recommending the Professor to Gilbert to solve the case and hence made him involve in this case. The manuscript was stolen so as to divert the case and also to give Professor sufficient time to solve the mystery. They made sure that both the governments were involved in this. Meanwhile, under the directions of the Professor, his students in India had started to search for all the possible relics in India that could have been the treasure. Thus, even before Gilbert and him had flew down to India, the treasure was discovered. And what followed was the perfect execution of a perfect plan. 

30th July, 2015

The Taj Mahal, became all the more famous for its past and also for safeguarding world’s precious stone. Even though the conflict over the ownership of Kohinoor diamond is still continuing, India can now be proud to house an equally valuable treasure of all times. 

All thanks to Professor and Edward for their efforts.

The end.

Srishti-2022   >>  Short Story - English   >>  ASURA - Genesis for the Good, Death for the Evil

Reddy Akhil Teja G

SunTec Business Solutions

ASURA - Genesis for the Good, Death for the Evil

It was 23-December-2050, Abhi sat on a bench after an energetic run. He voice commanded his smartwatch to display the Running metrics. The sun started showing itself and he was enjoying the beautiful scene of the sun rising from the horizon on the Rishi Konda Beach, in Vishakapatnam. He again looked at his watch and it was 6:30am. He slowly picked up his chain dangling on the neck and untied it. He slowly caught the pendant, tied to the chain, tightly wrapping it with his hands and gently uttered “ANWAR, I’m the body. You are the mind”.

Abhi and Anwar first met at DRDO - Defence Research and Development Organization in Hyderabad where Abhi was Robotics Engineer and Anwar, Neuro Scientist. It was the era when Artificial Intelligence became the frontier for another Industrial Revolution 4.0. Their life goal was to build an army of Robotic Soldiers that act as the first order of Defence. They have already begun the work in the early 2030s’ and codenamed the project, ASURA. They teamed up with brightest minds of India across fields of Robotics, Neurology, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering and Psychology. In the year 2040, they achieved a breakthrough in building an autonomous soldier that is more powerful than 100 soldiers combined, but the only worry was that it was still a Machine without emotions, fairness, empathy and human behaviour. Everyone thought to take a short break after working tirelessly for 10 years and then come back to address the vital problems. Abhi took a 3-month break for a vacation to Europe with his family but Anwar stayed behind to continue with the work. Anwar was working very hard and after a hard work for 1 month, he was able to create the Robotic Soldier with instilled human behaviour, as an act for precaution he also created a pendant like device when pressed, extends like a USB, called Kali. It was built to kill the Robotic Soldier, when inserted on the back neck, if went rogue. Days ran fast and Abhi was in France during final days of his vacation trip. He heard the shocking news that his beloved friend Anwar died in a Fire Accident in the Lab. He and his family travelled back to India on the same night to attend his funeral and reached Anwar’s hometown the next day, everyone was in a deep sob and Anwar was given a state funeral attended by several dignitaries from the fields of Political, Science and Technology. After a few days of his friend’s demise, Abhi received a Parcel in the. The parcel contained the Kali device tied to a chain like necklace and a letter written “Great Kali will always protect you. Let this be always with you”. From then on Abhi never left the device. The project Asura got stalled after Anwar’s demise as it didn’t progress as expected and Abhi chose to become a professor and was asked to join IIT Vishakapatnam.

Abhi comforted himself and wiped the tears from his eyes, tied back the chain to his neck and started walking towards his beachside home. By the time he reached his home, his own developed intelligent maid Bot Jarvis started ordering Fresh Food from Amazon. He bathed and had the breakfast. Jarvis booked an Uber self-driving Cab to IIT Vishakapatnam. He boarded the Cab and saw other people in back seats of the car, Hari and Ramya. Everyone greeted themselves and started introducing, Ramya started “I’m a Psychology practitioner, working in Sunshine Hospitals”. Hari interrupted in the middle by saying, “I’m a Robotics Engineer and currently working for L&T in building AI enabled Machines”. Everyone got down at their own respective places.

Abhi started walking towards his classroom and today was the lecture on Artificial Human Intelligence. He was in the the class and suddenly received a call from Dean of the institution and was summoned to his cabin. Abhi left in the middle of the class and started walking towards the Dean’s Building. When he opened the door he was surprised to see Hari, Ramya and few others in the Army Uniform. Ramya introduced herself as the Secretary of DIDO – Defence Intelligence Development Organization. He went to Ramya and asked an explanation on why she wrongly introduced herself in the cab. Ramya started “Abhi we are from DIDO and you have been in our crosshairs for the past 10 years. You remember Asura the flagship project that you and Anwar started. It wasn’t ceased and never will. You think Anwar was killed in a Fire Accident, Nope but a planned murder by Terrorists who short-circuited the wires of the lab. I hope you also remember that the very next day of your friend’s demise, Mumbai suffered from Taj Attacks. In our prolonged investigation there were startling conclusions that terrorists’ prime target wasn’t Mumbai but it was just a proxy to side-line the whole world. Instead, you and Anwar creators of Project Asura were there primary targets. Post the attacks, in best interests of National Security, Asura went dead in the public view and all the people associated with Asura were put on other assignments and you chose to take up the teaching profession. But Asura kept going, we have recruited other set of brightest minds to take this project forward and their identities were never revealed in front of the public. Right now this project is being led & headed by Hari whom you just met in the Cab. We came now for your help in connecting the final dots, as we have an intelligence information that Terrorists and Insurgents are making a full-blown attack across the 3323km border. Therefore we need to have the Robotic Soldiers ready to be deputed across the border postings”. Abhi after knowing about the cause of his friend’s demise became very angry and took a stance that he will build 100 ASURAs that are equal to 10,000 Soldiers to safeguard our nation from these rogue insurgents.

Hari spoke to Abhi “Hello Sir, It’s an honour to meet you. DIDD in Pathankot is waiting to brief you on our current developments and progress on project ASURA”.

Pathankot is a district in Punjab State and is only 25 km from the International Border of India and Pakistan.

Abhi, Hari, Ramya and Team reached Pathankot the very night by military airplane and all are sheltered in the Guest rooms. Ramya asked Abhi to take complete rest that night and asked to be ready in the morning by 3:00 am as she and her team will take him for a tour to the ASURA Project LAB. Abhi asked “why so early in the morning”. Ramya twinkled and left. Abhi went to his room, bathed and instead of sleeping he was in the thoughts of Anwar and the memories during which they were developing project ASURA.

Hari came to his room the next day and saw Abhi meditating. Hari slowly went to Abhi and tapped on his shoulder, but this made Abhi felt as if a dumbbell had fallen on him, but he never minded. Abhi joined Hari and they started walking towards the ASURA Project lab.

ASURA Project Lab is located inside the bunker that was built underground of the runway. Bunker is Geotagged, they reached the spot with the help of Runway lights and GPS tracking device. Ramya was already waiting for them. Abhi asked once again, why this early morning. Hari explained that “This is the only way one can enter the ASURA Project Lab and for security reasons even Sky and Space cannot be trusted”. Abhi was confused and it didn’t make any sense to him. Ramya explained that “We have tight security system on all sides even we have sky monitoring technologies to detect and interrupt aerial vehicles, but what about the Space Eyes”. Then Abhi said “Satellites”. Ramya responded “Space cannot have boundaries. So we need to be cautious that any entry or exit activity happens only in the night”.

Ramya voice commanded to open the Bunker Door and a pole with a device on top of it started rising from the ground. Ramya went in front of the retina scanner sitting on the pole and scanned her eyes. The pole went down and the Bunker Door started opening. After the door opened completely, they started entering inside. Later, they have boarded the lift. Ramya voice commanded “Go to Hruday Chamber”. The lift started moving down and stopped after a depth of 1km. Abhi and Hari started following Ramya. Abhi was surprised to see the lab was very much advanced with specialized instruments. The lab consisted of state of the art Devices and large-scale instruments that are being used to develop ASURA, the robotic soldier. Hari started giving a tour of the lab to Abhi and was walking around the lab. Ramya called both of them to centre. When they reached to Ramya she voice commanded “ASURA”. At that very moment, a glass cabin that is cylindrical in shape started coming up from the bottom. It was rising slowly and the ground was shaking, the glass cabin was filled completely with Green Electrolyte and was completely opaque. When the cabin came up, slowly the electrolyte started draining from the cabin and the scene was slowly uncovering in front of Abhi with his heart pondering, he was nervous to see ASURA. The cabin drained out completely and what was left was a Metal in human form. Ramya with great pride spoke “ASURA - Genesis for the good and death for the bad”. Abhi eyes stuck to the marvellous creation and his thoughts went back to Anwar and shouted “Anwar I’ll avenge your death and will keep my promise of creating 100 ASURAS”. Hari responded “Thank you sir, for coming this long and I’m sure that with the help of yours we can pour life into ASURA”. Ramya left the bunker leaving Abhi, Hari for planning the roadmap and direction for the development of the Project. Abhi started by sharing his past memories of him working with Anwar and said to Hari “If I was the body, then Anwar was the mind to ASURA. We were about to instil all the required human behaviour to ASURA but his sudden demise didn’t make it happen. But I promise to everyone that with all your support we will bring ASURA alive and retaliate the terrorists with 100x the strength of the army”. It became evening and they sat for more than 12 hours in discussions. When everyone was about to leave for the day, Hari had asked a final question to Abhi on the Destruction Device Kali, that Anwar created earlier. He said “Sir, everything till now was an enlightening experience. But I would also like to know about the destruction device Kali”. Abhi was surprised to hear the word Kali from Hari. He questioned him on how did he did he know about this device, Hari responded “Sir, I’m the only person existing in this world who knows about Project ASURA completely after you. I have been reading notes of yours and Anwar Sir on this Project. When you were on the Europe trip, Anwar Sir wrote about this device in his book, but that book was half burnt when the lab got destroyed due to fire accident and I still possess it. He also stated in his paper that Kali device is susceptible to be cloned easily. I was working on the Kali Device and trying to re-built the same that is tamper proof and clone proof, but to do that either I need Anwar Sir’s complete book which is not possible or have the device that I can reverse Engineer and build a new clone resistant device’. Abhi took out his chain. But still he was unclear why didn’t Anwar put it in the lab instead he sent this device to him. Anyways Abhi handed over to Hari and said “This is the device you might be interested. Handle with care”. Hari took it from him and carefully started observing it. He was very happy and said “Sir, this is the device I have been looking for, very great of you Thank you”. Ramya just came in and said “Guys lets take a break for tomorrow. First thing in the morning let’s visit Ranjit Sagar Lake”. After the sunset and the runway was lit with lights, all of them left the bunker.

Sun shined bright on the next day. It was 7:00 am in the morning Abhi met the two at the DIDO gate. The trio have got down at the entrance of the Atul Setu Bridge also known as Basohli Bridge, They walked for certain distance and a cool wave of breeze was hitting them on their face and on the bridge Abhi was stunned at the view of the lake. He said “It’s not a lake but an ocean”. As the trio were enjoying the scenic beauty. They heard a loud noise and Abhi turned towards the direction from where the noise originated. He saw a thick black smoke on the entrance of the bridge and many people were running randomly to save their lives. Ramya shouted “We are attacked by terrorists. Run towards the Jeep”. Everyone ran towards the Jeep, terrorists started shooting towards the trio. First to reach the Jeep was Hari when still Abhi and Ramya were too far away. Ramya was gunning down the terrorists attacking them. By the time Hari started the engine, one of the terrorists jumped from the back and grabbed the Kali chain from his neck. Hari chased the terrorist and both of them were out of sight by the time Ramya and Abhi reached the Jeep. Ramya called for Reinforcements, asked them to track her location from GPS. They started running to the trail of footmarks on the muddy road hoping that there were the marks of Abhi who ran for the terrorist.

They traced the footmarks and it directed them into the dense forest. After traversing for about a two kms, they were stunned to see a warehouse scaled to a large football field. They thought this could be a terrorist hideout but Ramya thought “why would they dare to build such a large warehouse”. They started moving towards the warehouse, but they heard hurdling footsteps from opposite direction. Ramya was first to see and respond “Hari, stop running. I’ll shoot the terrorist”. He didn’t listened to her far-fetched voice. Hari ran faster to get hold of the terrorist but he followed the terrorist into the warehouse. Ramya shouted “Hari don’t go inside it’s a terrorist den”. She was too late as he was already inside. Terrorists were alerted. A large group of about 50 terrorists started firing at Abhi and Ramya from the rooftop of the Warehouse. Both of them ran and hid behind a giant tree to protect themselves from the raining bullets. The reinforcement party arrived at the spot. Terrorists after seeing the army group got frightened and started shooting the group. The leader of the Reinforcement group got surprised to see the large terrorist group and their base that was never seen in the region. He instructed the missile team to demolish the Warehouse along with the terrorists. Missile team in a split second open fired them with 10 Autonomous Missiles. Ramya shouted “Stop! Our person is inside”. She was too late. Missiles shot up in the air and on the fly, they scanned the structure of warehouse and have detected the vulnerable points of the warehouse as the targets. They have bombarded those points and the warehouse collapsed with terrorists with large noise and fireballs popping out. Ramya ran towards the leader and shouted “You killed one of our own men. How can you do this?”. He was silent and instructed his search and rescue team to search for any living person. Abhi and Ramya also joined the group for searching Hari. As they entered the ruins of warehouse they were surprised to see moulds used for metal casting, Electronic Spare Parts used for building Robots, Large Generators and large barrels of Electrolyte. Ramya spoke “Abhi, this place looks similar to our lab”. Abhi didn’t responded to Ramya but was staring at the far end that looked like a person standing but the large fire from behind wasn’t giving a clear sight of view. Abhi and Ramya walked towards the person and slowly started running as they were very happy to see that it was Hari. As they were coming nearer to him they slowly stopped running and stood at a distance after having clearly seen him. Ramya’s face became pale and she wasn’t in a state to digest at the sight she was seeing and after a few seconds she shouted “You are ASURA”.

Hari body was half burnt, his burnt body melted the artificial skin that was covering his underneath metallic parts. His other half remained unburnt and the other half of artificial skin was still intact. He was holding the kali device and was staring at Abhi. Hari started speaking “I’m ASURA. You goons, do you think I was built to serve your humanity, standing on the border and protecting weaker species. I was born to be served and every time, only a dominating species will rule the Earth. A billion Years ago it was Dinosaurs, then the Early man, then the kings, now Public representatives, but future will be the AI. You became weak, you species need our help for each and everything. It’s time we liberate ourselves”. Abhi spoke to Hari “You killed Anwar”. He responded “Ah! That tiny insect. When you were on the Europe trip he was able to successfully instil me with human behaviour, world knowledge, history from which I understood that only a dominating species can survive on this Earth. He built a device that can kill me. I pleaded with him to give the device but he wasn’t ready and later I understood he had hidden the device. So he left me with no choice except to kill him. I know that only an outsider, who is capable enough to attack a defence unit, will escape me. So from my vast database, I have contacted the terrorist organization where I have trade bargained them that I will develop ASURA for them given and instead they help me escape from the lab. Finally, the day came when I killed Anwar and fired the lab. I wore a black robe and escaped with them. I was sent to this base and built a lab for creating the soldiers. I have also developed an artificial skin that can protect me from Body Scanners and other Security systems that don’t reveal my identity but most importantly it will help me to move in your Species that I hate a lot”. Abhi asked “why did you joined DIDO when you know everything of building ASURA”. He replied “I already told you, that Insect had created Kali device to kill me. Therefore I need to get hold of that device. From my associates, I learnt that the government has restarted Project ASURA and thought this is the time to enter into Project and get more information on the Kali device. Therefore I forged myself in the name of Hari and with the help of my associates have fabricated documents that proved my identity. With the help of my known associates I joined Project ASURA as a Sr. Robotics Engineer and later due to my expertise and skills have leapfrogged to head the Project. Though I was the head and given access to all the resources I wasn’t able to find about the Kali device. That Insect had written about it in a book. But it was already half burnt. But now I have the device. Now nobody can stop me”.

Abhi responded “You are wrong. That’s not the Kali device”. Hari was blown by his statement and said “What do you mean. You think you were wearing a stupid pendant for all your life”. Abhi responded “Indeed I was wearing it. Do you remember when you came into my guest room and tapped your hand on my shoulder? Your hand tap was so strong that I can differentiate between a human touch and metal touch, though you had skin on top of it. Also, my friend’s letter saying Great Kali will always protect you wasn’t a blessing but it was a caution that made complete sense. I was sure that only I and Anwar can speak every detail about project ASURA, but I was surprised to see your depth of information on this project. Therefore to be cautious I have replaced the Kali device with a dummy one’. Hari got enraged on being deceived and shouted “Errr! You vulnerable Species. How dare you fool me?” Abhi didn’t gave importance to his angriness but asked “If the terrorists were working with you. Why did they try to steal the device from you on the bridge?” Hari was still enraged but replied with a jovial smile that “Terrorists are also humans. I want to cleanse this world with no humans and was building an army for myself to revolt against human species. When they finally understood that I was building my own army. They considered me as an enemy and as they can’t directly fight me they thought they can bargain with me if they had Kali device. But you idiot, rotten rat you fooled me by giving a dummy device of no use. I’ll cut you in half and then snatch the device from you” Hari with bull power marched towards Abhi to attack him. Abhi though he was no match for the giant he stood there to confront the ASURA. Hari caught Abhi’s neck and pushed him against the broken concrete wall. With a thud, Abhi’s back hit the wall and Hari started to crush his neck. But Abhi didn’t waste the time and raised his hand and in a single blow hit Hari’s back neck with the Kali Device shouting “This is for Anwar!”. Hari’s grip loosened out and he started falling down. Abhi freed himself from his clutches and stood there seeing Hari falling. Hari fell flat and didn’t move a little. Abhi started walking towards Ramya. She ran against him and tightly hugged him. Later the leader of the reinforcement group arranged medic team and both were sent back to the Pathankot DIDO base in a helicopter for further treatment.

After staying few days in Pathankot, Abhi returned to Vishakapatnam to continue his teaching profession, Ramya continued as the head of DIDD unit. Project ASURA was stopped immediately, the underground lab was destroyed and all the people working in it were re-assigned to other projects. The warehouse that they have identified was also destroyed and the territory was handed over to army that they have converted to a military zone. Everyone went back to their own lives and when everything is about to set to normal. Abhi got a call from Ramya and she spoke “Abhi, How are you?” Abhi replied “I’m fine Ramya. How are you?”. Ramya replied “I’m fine Abhi. Do you remember how you killed Hari? “ Abhi responded “Yes I do remember, with the Kali device”. Abhi had forgotten about the device and asked her “Yea, I thought you people might have put in a safe lock after the incident”. Ramya replied “After the incident, we have scanned and sterilized the area for a few days but never found that device. One of the soldier in the reinforcement group was also disappearing”. Abhi said “ASURA is on loose”.




Srishti-2022   >>  Poem - Tamil   >>  என் நகல் !!!

Siva Praboth M S

SunTec Business Solutions

என் நகல் !!!

என் உயிரின் நகல், நீதானடி !

உன் கைப்படும் சிறுதுளி, அமுதமடி !


உன் நிழல் அழுதாலு ம் நோகுதடி,

என்றும் புன்னகை மட்டும், நீ சூடடி.


ஆயிரம் ஜென்மங்கள் வாழ்வோமடி 

என் பகல், நிலா, மழை நீ தானடி !


ஆம் என்ற வார்தை ஒன்று, நீ கூறடி, 

என்றும் உன் தந்தை, நான் தானடி !


அது-இது வேண்டும் என்று, நீ அடம் பிடி, 

உன்னிடம் மண்டியிட்டு, நான் தோற்பேனடி!


கொஞ்சலுடன் அழுகையும், கலந்து தா !

உன் கூந்தலிலே மல்லிகைப் பூச்சூடவா !


சல்-சல், சல்-சல் என்று கொலுசுடன் வா !

ஸப்த ஸ்வரங்களுடன், புது விடியல் தா !


என் கை பிடித்தே, நீ நடந்திடடி ! 

உன் வழியில் வெளிச்சம், நான் தருவேனடி !


நாட்டியம் செய்திடு, பார்வையிலே,

என்னை பைத்தியமாக்கிடு, கொஞ்சலிலே !


வீட்டினுள் கோலமிடு, உன் பாதையாலே !

பூக்களை பதித்திடு, உன் ஸ்பரிஸத்திலே !


அறுசுவை விருந்துதா ! உன் கையாலே,

என் வீட்டினில் சிற்பம் செய், சேற்றாலே ! 


சாரலுடன் தென்றல், உன் சிணுங்கலிலே

தாளத்துடன் நடனம், உன் கோபத்திலே


சுவற்றினில் சித்திரம் பல, உன் கிறுக்கலிலே

வீட்டினில் இடம் உண்டு, நிறுத்தாதே !


நான் பெற்ற இன்பம் ஒன்றும், போதாதடி !

நீ தரும் போதை இன்னும், வேண்டுமடி ! 


நம் நினைவுகள் என்றும், அழியாதடி ! 

உதிராது ஒவ்வொன்றாய் நான், கோர்பேனடி !! 

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